Sunday, January 31, 2010

Learning Community

I came across this website that discusses the importance of a learning community and found it interesting how Richard DuFour expresses the importance of not just making something a missions statement, but be passionate about what you are doing.

We all want students to become self sufficient however instead of just discussing teaching we need to address learning.

Blog Blog Blogging

Well I am blogging here, I do not know what write about other than we are currently learning about "learning communities." In theses communities people work together for a common goal. I see a lot of benefit from these communities for example like the this coming Friday when our schools is putting on an Inservice where teachers teach other teachers about how they are using technology in the classroom. I choose to show you a link on "Zamzar" because I felt that it is at the essence of what a learning community is. People post video clips on the web, in turn zamzar allows us to use their clips and post them on things like power points, and websites.

Well i do not know what else to blog about, hope everything is going well on everyone else blog

Buti Out

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A website I found that is very helpful as a teacher is I have found this website especially helpful when it comes to showing youtube video clips in class.

Zamzar is a converting website, that allows you to download a video to your desktop/laptop. This is beneficial considering the Internet at school is not always reliable, and thus you never know if you are going to be able to get on the Internet.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Welcome to my Blog Debut . . .

It's Blogtastic!

Working Out

Today I got up at 4:30 a.m. this morning to work out, and realized, why am I doing this when most guys my age are still sleeping happily. As much as I love to workout it stinks that the only time you have to do it is in the morning before work. I need to figure out how I can get paid to just lift and run . . . that would be a sweet gig.