Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keys to a Successful Online Learning Community


According to this blogger there are five key factors that take part in participating in a successful online learning community:

  • Ensuring a shared vision
  • Removing barriers to participation
  • Encouraging participation
  • Facilitating social interaction
  • Sensitivity to group dynamics

However, what I found most interesting about the authors findings were how to be sensitive to group dynamics. He discusses how to handle online users becoming “fired up,” users interrupting others, and how to refrain from criticizing others. Many times we need to be reminded about online “netiquette.”

Lastly, I also feel it is important that the author reminds us that it is important for participants in an online learning community to constantly revisit the purpose of the community. This keeps the focus on the task at hand, and keeps members from getting off topic.

Honestly, I found this to be one of the most helpful sites I’ve come across, furthermore, the anonymous author leaves a list of references he uses throughout his blog.

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